If you are joining us from Cannes, welcome! This week, Ars Nova Capital introduces a new venture to the world,
A venture established by an unparalleled group of leaders who drove the global digital production and distribution revolutions that swept the industry over the last 20 years,…
Who bring decades of experience from DreamWorks, as well as Disney’s animation-fueled revolution,…

A venture emerging from stealth mode as the first fully-integrated studio enterprise since the Golden Age of Hollywood...

And the first new major studio launched since the formation of DreamWorks SKG by Spielberg, Katzenberg and Geffen:
Studio of the Future
Avanti is the first new studio enterprise to encompass the full spectrum of media infrastructure and to actually be building revolutionary new infrastructures for media production, distribution and presentation. Exciting production facility and metaverse infrastructure projects are in the works now, and Streaming 2.0 is on the boards!

Meta, Be Afraid
Uniquely and not since RCA or Edison, Avanti Studios’ technology systems have at their heart an unequaled engine: the video display hardware technology rapidly taking over from LED/OLED and LCD, already being adopted by Sony, the US DOD, and the UK MOD, with other brands following soon - and with a 20-years-in-the-works total “meta universe” infrastructure that Facebook’s Meta has feared was coming but is too late to stop.

A Creative-Owned Studio
We at Avanti believe the best way to create consistently compelling content is to empower a strong group of creatives as studio owner-operators. Avanti's unique studio model is the first to be assembling a large enough group of leading creatives and their companies as joint owner-operators to stand toe-to-toe with any of the majors or streamers and to offer a friendly partnering model for all. Already our innovative partners include A-list, Oscar winning creatives and their companies and teams.

The Avanti Advantage
Strategics seeking to join our group as another studio partner will gain ground floor access to Avanti’s revolutionary production, distribution, and metaverse infrastructure. Investors who want to invest alongside us now, prior to the high nine-figure content funding raise in the works with Avanti’s leading TMT investment banking partners, will capture ground-floor value in enterprise-building, revenue-generating projects.

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Street Life
Ivory Ghost
Glass Slipper
Loose Canon
The Strike
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