Ars Nova's Investment Domains
Hybrids: Investing Across Multiple, Closely-connected Industry Sectors
Ars Nova will invest in all of the following sectors, which are increasingly connected
and for which maximum return is obtained by taking an integrated, cross-sector approach and strategy:

Media Production and Distribution Infrastructure:
o "Tech-media Parks" as Regional Growth Hubs; Media Production & Technology Campus, Telecom Satellite Launch Infrastructure and Cloud/Telecom and Supercomputing Infrastructure.
o Create economic and technological "eco-systems" for bringing together content creation and technology and service suppliers around shared infrastructure services. Link these internationally.
Revolutionary Technologies:
o New Platforms and Supply Chain Modernization
o Investing in complete technology platforms, including both hardware and software, to address costs and risk crises in content production and distribution.
Content Creators and Companies:
o Ongoing Partnerships, Long-term Vision
o Ongoing capital and partnerships with compatible, entrepreneurial, technology-biased content creators and their companies, over one-off project funding.
All Content Forms:
o Film, TV, games, mobile/online, print, Theme Parks and all enabling and impacting technologies
o Physical and virtual
o Funding new business models for next-gen, multi-platform networks, including hardware-based and software/services based, from satellites to terrestrial mobile and Internet portals.
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